Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Showing value, value and more value - NOT ENOUGH

When you pitch your product, where is your focus?

For the vast majority of people I know, and definitely entrepreneurs, the focus is on the value their product brings (or the problem it solves).

The problem in this approach is that even if a product indeed solves a real need, this pitch rarely advances you in the sales process. Am I right or am I right? :)

Then sales people cry that the client is an idiot, or convince R&D to build a new useless feature, or take the blame and crisp their pitch. However, results remain the same, the client does not buy.

People forget that there are more things than the value the product brings. Not addressing them is the real problem.

When you try to convince others take a change such as buy a product, you need to address 4 points:

  1. What is the gain in taking the change
  2. What is the risk in taking the change
  3. What is the gain in not taking the change
  4. what is the risk in not taking the change
At this point, you probably think that I am full of logical bullshit and that all four points are kind of identical. I assure you, THEY ARE NOT and all 4 points are critical !

The gain in taking the change

This is the pot of gold, this is what we typically pitch. If you take our product, marvelous things will happen ....

I see no reason to explain it any further, I think this is pretty clear

The risk in taking the change

We tend not to talk about this point at all or shove this aside.

We have to recognize and appreciate that the client sees negatives in the change.

Even if the pot of gold is immense, it is risky. Think that the pot of gold is up a steep hill and the client needs to climb a ladder to get it. Climbing a ladder is risky, one can break his/her leg during the process.

The gain in not taking the change

We always forget about this one, we do not even realize that the client has things to gain in not taking our product.

These are not negatives that might be associated with our product or the change itself. These are positive things in the current situation.

Think that the pot of gold is up the hill and we live in sea near beautiful mermaids that sing to us and cannot leave the sea when we go out to the land for the gold.

The risk in not taking the change

We do tend to speak about that, but we confuse it with the benefits that the product brings. The first one is benefits that the product brings, while this one is negatives in the current situation. This is the alligator biting our ass and forces us to change.

When you make a sales pitch, you need to address all 4 points, don't neglect them.

You can check this short animation for a better explanation

Good luck,
